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  • Knittersland will help the seller/manufacturer to access a global database of verified buyers, learn about new business opportunities, establish links with SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) and large buyers, get assistance with logistics sourcing and digitize their brand and supply chain operations.
  • Once onboard on the platform the seller will come in contact with all reliable RMG buyers of the world.
  • The seller/manufacturer would be able to introduce himself globally with his men, machine and equipment to all Buyers of the world.
  • The seller/manufacturer would be able to participate and compete in price bidding/quoting on all orders, which suits and fits his standard and manufacturing criteria.
  • The seller will get continuous support from  Knittersland  Platform for 24 hours 365 days in executing his order.

Easy steps to find your business

Take a break, you dont need to worry about your products and quality we will handle everything

Received RFQ


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Confirmation from Buyer


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RFQ (Live Bidding)

Buyer’s has floated his RFQ for Bidding. You can participate now.

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